Wifi Router Buying Tips Features And Specifications You Should Keep In Mind While Purchasing New One

Wifi Router Buying Tips Features And Specifications You Should Keep In Mind While Purchasing New One

Router Buying Tips: Most people using Wi-Fi are using a router supplied by their internet provider, for many people this system is easier as it saves them the headache of set-up and also saves money and time. it occurs. But when the speed decreases or the network is not available in many parts of the house, then the problem arises, this happens because you do not have the necessary information about the router and buy a router from your internet provider without thinking.

Some people compromise with low speed but for most people it is difficult to compromise with low speed. They want to use internet on multiple systems and at the same time they want fast internet speed and want to use internet in every room of the house. That’s why you should pay attention to some special things while buying a router.

Router’s Wi-Fi Standard

First of all, it is necessary to see which Wi-Fi standard the router supports. Older models support 802.11 ‘b’ or ‘g’, but newer routers support ‘n’ as well. On the 802.11n standard, you can transfer data at a speed of 600Mbps, while some 802.11n routers have a top speed of 300Mbps. 802.11ac is the latest standard.

Well now fewer mobile phones and laptops support 802.11ac. Apart from this, this technology is very expensive compared to 802.11n. Well you can rely on ‘n’ standard routers. It is very fast for the internet connection of the country and it is supported on all devices and also saves money.

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router wireless frequency

The frequency of the router determines how strong your network is. The two major standards of routers are 2.4GHz and 5GHz. The difference in both is of speed and range. Compared to 2.5 GHz standard router, the network is better available in 5GHz standard router, but its cost is also high. If there is no problem of network interference, then buy only 2.5GHz router.

router antenna range

There is no easy way to know the range of a Wi-Fi router as it depends on the conditions. On the back of the router, there is a description of the dBi ratings of its antenna. If you have electronic devices like freeze, oven, induction in your house, then you have to get a router with more range. Whether the wall is concrete or wooden, they play an important role in stopping the WiFi signal, after 3 to 4 walls the signal becomes weak. That’s why you should pay attention to the router dBi property before buying a router.

router speed

The speed of the router also depends on the hardware used in that model. By the way, speed is discussed in every device in the High Speed ​​Upto section. Routers which are slow, their cost is also low, if the need is only to connect to the internet, then you can use a cheap router. If you are fond of watching high definition video on laptop or stream it on your smart TV, then your 300 Mbps router will work.

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